And The High-Five Goes To…

I have to begin with an apology.  I had previously scheduled First Lady Michelle Obama to give out today’s High-Fives, but she had to cancel at the last minute due to her responsibilities with the Oscars.

Thanks to everyone who participated, even if those who just stopped by to look at the blogs!  In honor of the high-quality of answers and links, this “awards ceremony” will be broken up into two tele-posts.  Today’s will award high-fives for posts, and the next will award high-fives for questions. (Hopefully, Jack Nicholson will be recovered from the Oscars to be able to present tomorrow.)

Without further ado, the High-Fives go to…

This one’s designed for Lefties

  1. The Rise of the Geek?  from Star Wars Anonymous
  2. – Any post that provides insight into Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, and makes me want to re-watch it deserves a prize.  The post explores bullying and choosing to stand up as you are, without shame, and without compromise.  Also, it is nerdtastic.
  3. Beyond Words… The Language Of Music from Beyond the Flow –  A brief, but powerful discussion of how music can connect people together.  After taking up the violin, Rowena has found a new community and way to communicate.  There is more to relationships and communication than words.
  4. Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder from No page left blank – A great discussion of drafting, pushing through a first draft (pantsing), versus planning and editing as you go.  This site often has great musings on the writing process, and this post is one of the best.
  5. My Own Tale of Crime (Sort Of) From the Berkshires From Sillyverse with Brian Bixsby – A library, a burglar alarm, and an out of town stranger meet in this true story in a small town.  As is usual for this blog, it’s cleverly written and fun.
  6. The Beauty of the Glitch from digitaleidoscope – Both a celebration a video card computer glitch, and the perspective it brings, while also expressing the frustration of a familiar computer failing.  I know we’ve all been at that moment when our world crashes due to a computer problem.

And, since the Oscars can aribitrarily add more nominees to the Best Picture race, here are some Honorable Mentions and Fist-Bumps:

  1. Spammers Greatest Hits from Lit and Scribbles with Jae
  2. Failing At Music – Succeeding At Life: Part Two from Cafe Casey
  3. The Next Big Thing from Mystic cooking
  4. The “Tao of Doug” Guide To A Happier Life from The Tao of Doug.
  5. Eighty Years Old from Keen sensibility

Side Note: I think last night’s Oscars was a great night for booty kicking ladies.

  • Our very own Katniss Everdeen, Jennifer Lawrence, may have fumbled on the stairs, but followed through with another quick witted, self-deprecating speech.
  • Adele won for a James Bond theme song.
  • Catwoman, I mean Selena Kyle, I mean Anne Hathaway won for Best Supporting Actress.
  • Brave won Best Animated feature.  While Brave missed some opportunities as a film, I think it still deserves the win.
  • Although Beasts of the Southern Wild didn’t win an actual Oscar, it won just by being nominated.

So, holla to 2012, the year of the booty-kicking girl. May there be many more strong female leads to come.

Also, Hello to anyone who I met at the Mid Singles Super Fun weekend!  It was Super Fun, and I look forward to meeting you again.


Aren’t high-fives awesome?  What makes you come back to visit a blog?  (You can also comment on the side-note, if you’d like.)

12 thoughts on “And The High-Five Goes To…

  1. Woot! I like getting a fist bump from this blog. 🙂 I usually come back to blogs that are active, entertaining (that doesn’t just mean funny, it means I enjoyed what I read), and where the writer interacts with commentors. Basically if it feels like a social place to be, I’ll usually go back. It doesn’t take long to realize which bloggers only want to speak their mind but not interact with anyone and since there are so many blogs to read, if I don’t get much interaction I’ll probably skim or skip them in the reader. Thanks again for the fist bump! 🙂

  2. High five to all the winning blogs!
    No seriously, congrats to the winners.
    I had a blast participating, and I ended up finding tons of fun new reading material.
    Awesome idea, hope to find more like it.

  3. An award? I’ve never gotten one before! I’m so proud!

    Well, I’d like to thank the academy. And anyone who has read my blog at any point. And my mummy, obviously.

    Sorry… I didn’t actually write a speech beforehand. Is it bad that I forgot there was an award involved? I was just having fun meeting new people and discovering new blogs. Thanks for helping make all that happen, and thanks for the high-five!

  4. Thanks for the award. It was very exciting and a great encouragement. It means the world to me. Could be an Oscar!!
    As for the blogs I keep going back to, I’m with Jae. I like making connections with other bloggers. I have made some real friends through blogging. People I really connect with and we have so much in common and I sometimes marvel at that given that we have never met in person.
    Blogging is great because you can find people who are into the same things you are and yet also venture further afield as well. That’s what I liked about Your High Five Challenge. I read all the posts listed and wasn’t into all the topics but enjoyed them all and expanded myself a bit. It was a wonderful adventure! Many thanks.

    • Blogging is a way of exploring. While many of the blogs I follow are pop culture, writing, or nerd oriented, there are some I’ve stumbled across that are about parenting, or employment. It’s always exciting to see what the next link will bring.

  5. Oh my goodness! You picked my post at #1?! I’m shocked, flattered, and think you’re awesome (but I think I already have said that)! Thanks…I also completely forgot you were going to do this, so it’s an added surprise! When I write with this many exclamation points, you know I’m excited.
    Anyway, I do like what you do with your blog and it’s been great to “meet” other bloggers and your techniques for bringing about this friendly, open exchange has been fabulous. Keep up the good work. You should do things like this more often.
    And, yes, do give TPM another chance. It really is one of my favorites.

  6. Pingback: Just Realized… | Star Wars Anonymous

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